Hello and welcome to Another Day Dawns

Giving me another chance to change my life.

My name is Lisa Bahr and this substack is about my journey moving forward in life, both personally and professionally, after the most significant loss of my life: my beloved husband. It’s about giving me a chance to change my life…and my mind, to how I want to live my life. I’m discovering what my voice is now, what my guidance and teachings are now, as I rebuild my life after such a tragic loss.

For six years, I haven’t wanted to write. For six years, I haven’t wanted to truly face my new reality. For six years, I’ve been fighting recognizing and acknowledging my loss and what it’s done to my world. For six years, I’ve barely survived.

Now, I want to do more than just survive. It’s time to face this unwanted reality and move forward in some sort of positive way. I want to not just exist, but to…dare I say it…be hopeful(?) about my future and about building the life and community I crave.

I want to experiment and discover what is now the best way I can help people with my skills, abilities, experiences, knowledge, and wisdom. I want to share my journey in the hopes you will find comfort knowing you are not alone in the challenges that come with rebuilding your life after loss.

And, you will discover, I am nothing if not persistent. I hope you’ll persist with me — learn and grow with me — make this journey with me — be hopeful with me. All of us deserve a meaningful, prosperous life filled with love, hope, and friendship, and the ability to face challenges with grace, some ease and compassionate support from others. I know I deserve that. I know my son does, too. And, I know you do.

Please join me on this journey. I’d love the company. ❤️🕯☮️

Thank you for joining me on this journey & reading, Another Day Dawns! 💗🕯️☮️ Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

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Another day dawns giving us another chance to change our lives; to learn, to grow, to positively move forward, both personally and professionally.


Evidential Medium + Intuitive Life Coach + Widow + Mom + Gamer = Me! Former radio show host/writer/producer, job coach/interview coach, freelance writer/editor/proofreader, personnel recruiter, ops manager. 💜🕯☮️